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Guangzhou Huaxing Surface Treatment Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact: Mr. Li
Mobile: 18520120235
Address: No. 5, South Lane 5, Niugang South Street, Taihe Yongxing 14, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Email: 934697391@qq.com

Industry news


Stainless steel polishing wax is worth having

Stainless steel polishing wax cheap and fine, with stainless steel polishing wax can play mirror effect, only in the source manufacturer here, can buy so cheap to use. Po......

Hardness requirements for polishing wax

Polishing wax is mainly used in furniture and car shell mobile phone watch shell is more, polishing wax can actually be used in a lot of some high hardness products, when applied to high hardness prod......

How to look at the quality of polishing wax?

Polishing wax is widely used and has been applied in many industries. Nowadays, the performance of products has been greatly improved with the development of science and technology. At present, many m......

Specializing in the production of stripping wax polishing wax surface treatment company

Guangzhou Huaxing Surface Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. is a comprehensive company specializing in the production of surface treatment products of various industries. The company's product series are......

Can polishing wax manufacturer

Guangzhou Huaxing Surface Treatment Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of polishing wax, all kinds of canned polishing wax, polishing wax quality is reliable, the price is beautiful. T......

Proportion composition and production process of polishing wax

Polishing wax is made of oil and powder in accordance with the scientific ratio. When used, the polishing wax must be wiped evenly along the direction of polishing wheel rotation, and then the thrown ......

How to clean polishing wax?

With the progress of science and technology and the wide application of new materials, higher requirements are put forward for the surface integrity of parts. Therefore, the research on grinding fluid......

Stripper wax is simple to use

Guangzhou Huaxing surface treatment Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of demoulding products, such as demoulding wax, demoulding agent, today is about our demoulding wax, 6# demouldin......

How to use release agent correctly to achieve the best results

Release agent is used in injection molding, in the production of plastic, need to use a variety of molds to mold a variety of shapes, but when using the mold, the blister material is fitted with the m......

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