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Guangzhou Huaxing Surface Treatment Technology Co., Ltd.
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Stripper wax is simple to use

category:Industry news   2023-02-19 22:19:14   Popularity:78
Guangzhou Huaxing surface treatment Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the production of demoulding products, such as demoulding wax, demoulding agent, today is about our demoulding wax, 6# demoulding wax, 8# high temperature demoulding mold, Huaxing glory demoulding wax, bathroom demoulding wax, 8# room temperature demoulding wax, cost-effective, the use of steps is super simple.

Release wax using super simple steps:
1. Clean the molds needed for production first.
2, ① : New mold:
First use sandpaper 2000# sandpaper with cleaner on the surface of the mold first wipe flat, and must ensure that the surface of the mold without any grease residue material. Otherwise, it will have some influence on the formation of finished products. Clean the surface of the mold with clean water after grinding flat. If the water on the surface of the mold will not easily slip, it has been proved that the grease on the surface has been clean. If there is a certain effect of splashing water, it means that there is still residual grease on the surface, until the water on the surface will not easily slip. Then the surface polishing treatment, the surface of the sandpaper print polishing down to a brand new surface. Before proceeding to the next operation.
After cleaning the residue on the surface of the new mold, the surface must be allowed to dry before applying the release wax. The new mold must be wiped three times or more. After the last wipe to light, it can be used after standing still for one hour.
② Old mold:

Clean the mold with a clean towel or clean cotton cloth.

333 stripping wax

Smear the release wax evenly on the surface of the mold with a sponge ball in a rotating way. After 5-10 minutes, wipe off the fuzzy wax trace on the surface with a clean soft fiber towel (clean cotton cloth can also be used) and gradually shine.
Old moulds only need to be rubbed with release wax once.
The new mold must be wiped three times. After the last wipe to light, it can be used after standing still for one hour.

Can substitute processing polishing wax, neutral packaging, as long as a label can easily have their own brand, high temperature release wax can withstand high temperature 180℃, no matter what kind of release wax, release effect is barbar, no inappropriate, only more suitable, please choose our Chinese star brand, Chinese star release wax.

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