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Guangzhou Huaxing Surface Treatment Technology Co., Ltd.
Contact us Contact Us
Contact: Mr. Li
Mobile: 18520120235
Address: No. 5, South Lane 5, Niugang South Street, Taihe Yongxing 14, Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Email: 934697391@qq.com

Customer requirements to actively meet - processing

category:Latest News   2023-03-12 16:09:53   Popularity:67
Guangzhou Huaxing Surface treatment Technology Co., Ltd. can be in accordance with the specific requirements of other companies, to help OEM (agent processing) their needs of products.
The following is the case of processing on behalf of:

It's been three days with just one color.

Customer requirements to do their own ability to meet. Partners must do their best for mutual benefit.

Your requirements are my progress, accumulated.

Describe the problems you encounter to us, and professional engineers will answer them for you!